I wish you a belated Happy and Healthy New Year.I just came back online following vocal chord surgery. While I am not yet ready to make a video I am definitely here for you to assist you on your path to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
In the interest of better serving your needs (which I only know when you share them with me) I study lots of material and research on the brain and mind as well as metaphysics and quantum physics.
The cool thing I find is that science has been discovering what I already found out for myself, namely, that being happy first and loving yourself first lead to better health, more meaningful relationships, and overall more success at everything in life.
Most people got it all backwards. Most people think they have to have a great career to be happy. Or they think the “right” person will love them and make them happy. Ot they believe that gaining health will bring success and happiness.
Nope. Now you know why happiness eludes you. No one and nothing outside of you can make you happy. Period. And no one and nothing outside of you makes you sad or angry either. Now that one we need to talk about, okay?
So what are you going to do about your unhappy situation?
While I have not been able to talk I have been searching the internet for a way to do our bi-weekly live session on topics you tell me you want to know about. And guess what. I am so excited! I found a way to do a live streaming video that you can access completely free and interact live with me.
You will get your questions answered right there and then without relying on a telephone. Plus I will be able to record the session for review later – as many times as you like.
While my voice comes back I will set up and start practicing using the new communication system to master the learning curve. I intend to begin the bi-weekly gatherings this month.
What do you need to do besides keep an eye out for the debut of the new bi-monthly streaming gathering? TELL ME what you want to know. What is going on that keeps you from being happy? What keeps you awake at night?
I willl not tell anyone where the questions come from so you remain anonymous.
So you know, you are not alone. I get very similar very unhappy life situation help requests from women who think they are alone in their suffering. Please know, you are never alone and never need to suffer through life.
If your life up ’til now has been painful, KNOW that your past in NO WAY predicts your future. I will not give up on you so don’t you give up on you.
I don’t care if your struggle is with a life time of abuse or fruitless attempts to get a better figure or a more organized house. If it bothers you, let’s do something about it! Nothing will ever change because you wish or hope it will. And it will not go away by itself.
LIfe is a do it yourself job. I cannot make any changes for you. AND life is not a do it by yourself job.
Do one thing different today even if it is something as simple as putting your other foot down first when getting out of bed or starting to brush your teeth at a different point in your mouth.
Begin the habit of change NOW. Let your subconscious mind and the Universe know you are done with being unhappy and ready to change your life by acting now.
This post delivers a a very personal message yet I feel certain it applies to very many people, maybe even to you.
Something has been really bothering me the past few months and I was afraid to tell you wbout it.
This short video will fill you in. Please watch it through ito the end as I really do need your help this week.
I appreciate your sharing and liking this post so others will stop the fear–which is always one’s imagination – and ask for the help they need.
When Krystalya Marie interviewed me on A2Zen.fm, we explored how the mind-body-spirit connection shows up in peoples’ lives AND how my work clears the resulting suffering, I shared the fact that I had recently discovered the true meaning of Loving Yourself.
My words came in response to a caller who sounded terribly down on herself. She said she must not love herself because she couldn’t attract good happy things, only feel bad things into her life. And the intensity of her struggle continued to escalate.
I told her I had been grappling with exactly the same issue until a revelation happened during my meditations. I get ALL my solutions during meditations. I HIGHLY recommend daily meditation of some form that works for you. Contact me for guidance in finding your own way to meditate.
What came to me, that was then confirmed two days later, is the fact that until you love yourself enough the Universe cannot make you privy to the mess hidden out of your awareness that causes your suffering.
In other words, when you have so much love for yourself that you can make it through heavy duty momentary pain then you can free yourself forever.
What the heck am I talking about?
The Universe never presents you with a situation without also presenting possible solutions AND you also need to be in a place where you will allow those solutions into your awareness.
I had noticed the exact pattern working with clients for 15 years. Some people’s issues came with great details revealed by their spirits during our work. I never asked them to recall memories because the whole point is the deepest pain lodges out of your awareness where it remains inaccessible to the conscious mind.
I also noticed that some clients spirits gushed forth with minute detail all across their life time. Yet other clients only flitted through those moments so I could catch them and enter them into the circuits I worked on yet we never knew the details of what happened when.
In both cases, the clients cleared the suffering for the specific issue on which we worked each circuit. Yet those who got to know the causes were the ones ready to handle AND DISMISS the emotional attachment to those issues.
The others knew the ideas and emotions of the root causes but did not experience the same opportunity to know what they cleared. That outcome left them vulnerable to repeating the patterns. Working together we disclosed the emotional pattern just not HOW the pattern showed up for them in real life instances.
When you love yourself the Universe throws stuff at you because It knows you are ready to heal as soon as you “get” the message the Universe has a major life lesson for you. When you fail to hear the message delivered in whispers it gets louder and louder and more in your face until you find yourself in crisis.
So there I was feeling upset with myself for not walking my talk by loving myself first – the main theme of my work in happiness. All the while I have been loving myself so much that the Universe has been, in essence, yelling at me letting me know exactly what I need to heal and to do so once and for all – so I can stop attracting more and more physically painful intensely serious circumstances to my world.
A while back I talked with you about how the Golden Rule can actually destroy relationships. Click here for that perspective.
In a most unlikely source for spiritual well being, Napoleon Hill’s book, The Law of Success, I discovered this new interpretation of the Golden Rule – well, new for me – and I want you to see how this rule can instantly change everything in your life.
Amy Cuddy’s expertise lies in teaching people how to affect change, not starting within, as most people teach, but starting by acting as if and becoming who you create yourself to be–in two minute pops!
Click SHARE to and LIkE to let everyone you know get happier. After all, when you are happy and they are happy too, how much more wonderful can your life become?