Ali Bierman's World
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Happiness is No BS

What are your belief systems? You created them without awareness so you may not even know what they are. Yet they run your entire life. Take 3 minutes to discover how to change what keeps you stuck.

THEN leave a comment telling me what action you are going to take, or even your own belief systems feelings about what you just saw and heard. After reading your comment I will send you details on how to get a FREE 30 minute life changing strategy session with me to create your happiness NOW.

About the Author Ali

What do I DO and why do I do it? I guide you to discover the True You - awareness that experiences life. By unblocking the obstacles you place blinding you to your default state of true happiness allows us to expand your smile and your world in the direction of your dreams.

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  • Kim says:

    Thanks Ali! This one really hit home with me. I am going to try to monitor myself and see the connection between my thoughts , emotions, and belief systems! P.S. The setting with the birds chirping and all was great! Kim

    • alitlc says:

      Great, Kim. It takes making the decision then following through with persistence and consistency.
      Oh yes, eliminate the word, \”try\” from your life.
      What happens when you try to do something? You don\’t succeed do you. There is only \”do \” and \”do not,\” as Yoda said. 🙂

  • Janice says:

    Hi Ali,

    Oh, how I am now focusing on changing my belief system. When I woke up this morning, I became so ware of many distractions that keep holding me back. Instantly I begin to let go of them. I have completed many tasks that would take me mostly all day to do. Especially my email would take several days to complete. This video of yours help to bring clarity to my awakening experience this morning.



    • alitlc says:

      WAy to go, Janice. You are such a take action person–what an inspiration to all of us. Thank you so much for letting us know how you are changing your life in major ways.
      If you cqn do it then none of us has any excuse for not succeeding too.

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