This week a major crisis happened in my world. The first thing I did was freak out. And I also told myself I did not have to feel that way. I told myself to switch my thoughts to happy ones. I told myself everything I teach you to do.
I calmed down but still found myself having to be very vigilant about trakcing my thoughts. For me, when it gets dark and late, if something bothersome comes up I need to focus fully on how I run my head.
So the day after the possibly horribly bad news I was still freaking inside but, with the sun shining, I found it way easier to keep my mind focused on good happy thoughts. My world instantly turned around,.
Everything started going right – including things I never even knew could happen!
Oh my goodness. What I share and teach works. Hey, that is the reason I share it. If it works for me then I know it works for you too – if you allow it in and you apply it. You gotta take action to get results.
You cannot reap what you failed to sow.
This morning I got an unexpected phone call that not only ended the crisis but gave me amazing possibilities for my future. I am telling you life is great when we choose to see it that way.
PArents often say, “Do as I say not as I do.” I am telling you to do as I say because it matches what I do.
How many times have you shut off learning with the thought and words, “I know that”?
Your brain and mind want to keep you safe–and stuck where you are. Change is scary and may hurt you – or so they want you to believe.
So when new information that could help you move into a new place in life comes your way one of the most powerful tricks your ego employs is the phrase,”I know that.”
The fact is, when you know something you live it. Until you live it you do not know it, You only know about it.
Two different experiences.
In each moment you are either growing or dying. You never stay the same.
Live consciously with full awareness.
Did you ever experience a time when everything that could go wrong did? Of course you did. Doesn’t everybody – at least once in their life?
MY time happened last night. I hosted a webinar and everything, including things I never imagined could go awry, did!
Now here si the cool part that lets me know my frequency has risen to a place where even what could have been a huge setback was just something that happened, in my eyes.
There was a time, not all that long ago, when I would have been frustrated, upset, crying and very angry wit myself for not doing what I maybe could have done to prevent the crazy events.
Only none of that happened for me last night. I just got through it. I knew everything always works perfectly and I had something I needed to pay attention to.
Which is what I did. You see, when that many things go wrong you know Divine intervention is taking place.
Everything comes into our lives for a beautiful and Divine reason – everything and everyone. The people, or pets and even our plants all have something to teach or share with us.
Are you kidding? Not at all. Stop and notice…
How do your plants grow? Do they grow? Do they look the way you expect them to?
Many years ago scientists monitored plants while shrimp were being boiled alive nearby. The plants showed stress.
I know my plants do better when I take the time to talk to them. And I most definitely know that trees communicate with me as do stones.
Hey, that is why I am able to make such beautiful sculptures and carvings. Basically the stones or wood tell me what to make. After all, the finished form lies within. All I need to do is remove the excess wood and know where to place which stones!