Everyone wants his or her life to be better than it is. Even if you have everything working for you, you still want more. That feeling is human nature.
That feeling reflects the underlying fear that most people exhibit—either openly or deep within out of their awareness. The fear is not having enough. Even very rich people often think they do not have enough money.
They fear losing it and not being able to get it back fast enough. No matter how much money they make, that fear holds them tightly in bondage. That fear leads to the all too common dis-ease of workaholism.
A second fear plays into the lives of most people, insidiously driving them to always need to do more. That fear is not being enough. Those people lack self love so they constantly need to prove how good they are—to others. By seeking approval and praise from others, they think they can calm or even erase their feelings of inadequacy.
Not possible. Only you can erase your fears–by loving yourself first.
Want to be happier? Make your inside world happier first. Whatever you think about, in the six inches between your ears, manifests in your world.
To discover what you think about all day long just look at how your outside world looks. Who is in your world? Where do you live? What kind of work do you do? Where do you live? Who are your friends?
What thoughts must run in your subconscious mind to have your outer world look the way it does? You will never live in happiness until you live in thoughts and their by-product feel good emotions.
People look outside themselves to find happiness. They think things and people can bring them happiness.
Nothing, absolutely nothing outside of you will ever bring you happiness. It can’t. everything outside you is ephemeral–temporary.
Things and people come and go. The only one on whom you can depend your whole life long is you.
The fact is happiness lies within.
You were born happy. Go within to find the happiness that still lives there–buried by years of frustration and inaccurate thinking.
Meditate or self-hypnotize and you will find your own answers within.
To your happiness!
Yesterday marked the 38th anniversary of my marriage–except that marriage ended seven years ago.
Over the past seven years that date came and went unnoticed by me. For some reason yesterday it came into my awareness and hit really hard. I felt very sad–until I caught myself in that place of unhappiness.
I know it does not serve anyone to stay in an unhappy place. Dang! it lowers your immune system, causes you to focus on other things that feel sad or bad. It makes you attract unhappiness! Yuck!
I immediately grabbed a happy memory and relived it by focusing my attention there.
Wow! Not only did I instantly change my mood–more than that, much more than that–I remembered how we talked long and hard, coming to a mutual agreement that it no longer made sense to stay married.
We had not stopped loving one another. We faced the reality that we each had gone our separate ways and being together stopped each of us from truly living in happiness.
When we did something I loved then he was not really happy–just went along because it was, so to speak, my turn. The same held true when we did something that he loved to do.
No way did we share a definition of happiness!
I looked at the wonderful life I live now and realized I could never have done what I did or do now with the people I am with and the place where I live if I had stayed in that unhappy marriage.
Perhaps, even more importantly, I realized that staying in an unhappy situation revealed a lack of self love. Thank goodness I “woke up” and changed my whole way of being seven years ago.
Gratitude swept through me for all I am, all I get to do and all I have now. And I am also grateful for all that happened that got me here–incuding the ending of a 31 year marriage.
How grateful am I that I know I choose how I feel in any given moment? Words cannot describe the peace I know.
People who live in happiness create their world–knowing they are responsible for how everything turns out. They get to live the life of their dreams.
Some people think life just happens to them. Living with that belief system allows them to blame other people or circumstances when things fail to go their way. They get to experience happiness sometimes–when their circumstances fit what they consider happy.
Then there are those who do not really participate in life. They seem to be in another world. When you get their attention they participate. Mostly they live a clueless existence. If happy things happen – fine. They are not about to go out and create their happiness.
How do you participate in your own life?