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Category Archives for happiness

How To Be Happy Right Now

Happy people live healthier and longer lives. They thrive in their careers and enjoy personal loving relationships.

Decades of research show that happy people lead more successful lives than their counterparts who live ho hum, dull or unhappy lives.

The secret to success lies in being happy first.

So how do you be happy NOW?

Living LIfe is LIke Framing a Picture

framed photoOne night a sudden crash and the sound of broking glass jolted me out of my concentration. I couldn’t imagine what that awful noise could be. Truthfully, I was afraid to find out.

With great trepidation I quietly maneuvered through my house. Phew! I discovered the frame on one of my framed photos fell apart allowing the glass to fall to the floor. Not so interesting, huh?

Ah, but what happened next…

In the course of finding a new frame for this magnificent photograph by my talented friend Keith Couch, I realized how critically the choice of frame and mat (or no mat) are to whether the picture looks fabulous or not really so great at all.

Yes. The mat and the frame matter in how attractive the picture appears to others.

Have you ever gone to a frame shop and spent a LONG time choosing first the mat (its style, shape and color) that complimented the photo or painting and then the frame that worked with both the piece of art and the mat?

Not so easy, is it?

This morning it occurred to me how much life is like framing a picture. You see, the way you feel before an event greatly influences how you view and experience that event.

Let me give you an example.

Many people complain that affirmations don’t work. Let’s look at a major factor that causes a consciously spoken affirmation to either work or not work.

The state of your mind, body and spirit, at the time you speak the affirmation, powerfully impacts whether or not you will manifest your desire. If you are in a great mood vibrating at a high frequency when you put out your request, then you will more easily attract the good you want which also vibrates in harmony with your high frequency.

On the other hand, if you are in a cruddy or even a ho hum mood and state your affirmation then you cannot possibly attract your desire. Remember, you only attract things vibrating in harmony with your own frequency.

Your vibration reflects how you feel more so than your exact thoughts do. It isn’t the words of your affirmation as much as the feeling you experience speaking them that makes the difference.

Make sense?

When you stop and pay attention, you can see how you actually frame everything going on in your daily life with your mood and perspective at the time you experience the meeting, the phone call, the email, the visit, the game, etc.

What if you set an intention for a wonderful or helpful outcome before you do anything? What if you put yourself in a great mood before tackling the dreaded task?

You cannot experience two different emotions simultaneously. You cannot feel both happy and sad in the same moment. Why would you choose sad or angry or frustrated or bad when you can choose to feel happy?

Put a happy frame around all you do before you do it and watch your world change instantly. Besides you get the immediate added bonus of feeling great!

How to Feel Happy Right Now

Living in happiness may be an art. Certainly it reflects a habitual way of living that keeps you thinking happy thoughts rather than unhappy thoughts.

What you think about causes you to feel a certain way. Sometimes the thought comes first and sometimes the feeling comes first – sort of.

To feel a certain way you decide to feel that way.

That conscious or unconscious choice seems to happen automatically. If that is true then your thoughts come first. On the other hand, if that idea is not accurate then your feelings come first.

Does it matter which comes first?

What matters is how you feel about you. What matters is whether or not you love you.
Actually, however you create your mood, you do so by habit.

What? Where did that come from?

You cannot give what you do not have, right? How can you love another person or thing until you love yourself first? You can’t.

Okay, then, how do you love yourself first? You decide to love yourself first. You choose to live in happiness. You just do it.

Think happy thoughts from your past. Yes there is a time and place to recall, use and feel your past memories.

Focus on the happy times of your life and the moments when you absolutely loved yourself first.

Feed those happy memories energy to keep them alive. Make them big pictures you easily see and feel – and hear, taste and touch. The more senses you involve in re-creating the happy picture the more real those experiences become.

See from inside your body looking out through your eyes rather than watching yourself on a movie screen.

Oh yes, the most important part of living in happiness right now – smile.

You cannot feel more than one emotion in any given moment. When you smile you cannot feel sad.

As you smile, retrieve those memories of when you were so very happy and tell yourself, “I am choosing to be happy now.” Repeat those words (in your mind or out loud) for at least ten seconds.

Create the habit of sitting up straight and walking with your head held high. Move at a brisk pace and lift your feet with every step. Breathe deeply and fully from your diaphragm to take in life in all its glory!

To live in happiness you do it.

Do not stop to think about how to do it. Just create a habit of doing the things I listed above. Pay attention to your breathing, your posture, your walk and your facial expressions all day long. Also pay attention to how you feel – happy or something else.

Create the happiness habit.

Look for something every day that leaves you feeling happy, at peace, or calm. Then share that experience either in writing or out loud.

Guess what happens when you share your happy thought.

Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what you imagine. You physically and emotionally re-live that moment. Yes, your body produces all the same great feeling chemicals it originally did when the event happened.

Keep up the new behaviors and happy shares routine for 28 days and watch your life change to one of happiness that you won’t even have to think about. You will automatically do the behaviors and actions, and think the thoughts that keep you in happiness.

Yes, even when tough times come into your life, you will use those tools to get through. them.

How To Make 2013 A Happy and Healthy Year

ALi--head tilt roses2I wish you a belated Happy and Healthy New Year.I just came back online following vocal chord surgery. While I am not yet ready to make a video I am definitely here for you to assist you on your path to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.

In the interest of better serving your needs (which I only know when you share them with me) I study lots of material and research on the brain and mind as well as metaphysics and quantum physics.

The cool thing I find is that science has been discovering what I already found out for myself, namely, that being happy first and loving yourself first lead to better health, more meaningful relationships, and overall more success at everything in life.

Most people got it all backwards. Most people think they have to have a great career to be happy. Or they think the “right” person will love them and make them happy. Ot they believe that gaining health will bring success and happiness.

Nope. Now you know why happiness eludes you. No one and nothing outside of you can make you happy. Period. And no one and nothing outside of you makes you sad or angry either. Now that one we need to talk about, okay?

So what are you going to do about your unhappy situation?

While I have not been able to talk I have been searching the internet for a way to do our bi-weekly live session on topics you tell me you want to know about. And guess what. I am so excited! I found a way to do a live streaming video that you can access completely free and interact live with me.

You will get your questions answered right there and then without relying on a telephone. Plus I will be able to record the session for review later – as many times as you like.

While my voice comes back I will set up and start practicing using the new communication system to master the learning curve. I intend to begin the bi-weekly gatherings this month.

What do you need to do besides keep an eye out for the debut of the new bi-monthly streaming gathering? TELL ME what you want to know. What is going on that keeps you from being happy? What keeps you awake at night?

I willl not tell anyone where the questions come from so you remain anonymous.

So you know, you are not alone. I get very similar very unhappy life situation help requests from women who think they are alone in their suffering. Please know, you are never alone and never need to suffer through life.

If your life up ’til now has been painful, KNOW that your past in NO WAY predicts your future. I will not give up on you so don’t you give up on you.

I don’t care if your struggle is with a life time of abuse or fruitless attempts to get a better figure or a more organized house. If it bothers you, let’s do something about it! Nothing will ever change because you wish or hope it will. And it will not go away by itself.

LIfe is a do it yourself job. I cannot make any changes for you. AND life is not a do it by yourself job.

Do one thing different today even if it is something as simple as putting your other foot down first when getting out of bed or starting to brush your teeth at a different point in your mouth.

Begin the habit of change NOW. Let your subconscious mind and the Universe know you are done with being unhappy and ready to change your life by acting now.

Happiness is Your Birth Right – Do You Live There?

Happiness is your birth right and default mood when you were born. It is your starting point not a goal to pursue.

Do you LIVE life or does life pass you by? Do you think everybody else is better off than you? Are you happy? Or did you give up on your dreams and desires?

Please click the “like” button below to share this info. Leave a comment to join the conversation by sharing your experience with being in life after sitting on the sidelines for too long. Remember this is YOUR life and YOU alone get to choose how to make (or watch) it happen.

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