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Category Archives for health and happiness

Health and Happiness: Be Happy To Be Healthy

The degree to which you experience health depends on your level of happiness. Most people think if they become healthy then they will be happy. Most people have it backwards.

Everything is energy – every person and thing, even thoughts, is energy. All energy vibrates at particular frequencies. Things and thoughts that make people happy vibrate at high frequencies while things that make people unhappy vibrate at lower frequencies.

Your body works in a similar fashion.

Each organ system in the body has a frequency at which it is healthy. When the frequency falls to a slower rate that organ system becomes impaired and health issues begin to form.

Happiness is a high frequency vibration which means it moves in high waves at a very fast pace.  It reaches crests and troughs many times each second whereas unhappiness moves in low, long and slow waves with far fewer waves completed per cycle.

Think about depressed people. They tend to slouch and move very slowly. When you find yourself around them you notice you feel drained and their energy feels heavy. I feel weighted down just thinking of someone like that. Do you feel it too? Then you know exactly what I mean.

Now think of someone you know who is happy and smiles lots. They tend to have very good posture and be very active. Their energy feels alive. You want to be around them because you feel lighter in their presence. You feel happier too, right?

When you find yourself around a happy person you sense their higher energy. Your brain notices it too and raises its own frequency to match theirs. As your happiness increases you feel better too – physically and mentally.

Smiling raises your frequency. Laughing raises it still more. And laughing out loud increases it further still.

Happiness is a high vibration. If you start there you automatically raise the frequencies of your organs. For that reason Norman Cousins healed himself of an incurable disease by watching videos that made him laugh.

Happiness not only speeds up your vibratory level but also releases feel good hormones and peptides into your blood stream. The better you feel the more feel good chemicals get released so you feel even better and the cycle perpetuates itself.

When you feel bad the opposite happens. Your body releases feel bad hormones and chemicals causing you to feel worse. And the frequencies of your organ systems get negatively impacted. As you find yourself feeling sadder and sadder (or angrier or more frustrated) you slow down your organs’ vibrations. Your organs take time to recover. Unless you move to a happier place soon they will continue to run at the lower frequencies that lead to impairment of functioning and loss of health.

Living in happiness is not just something that feels good. The happier you are the healthier you are. That is not a placebo effect. It is fact.

Health and Happiness: You Are As Healthy As You Think You Are Live In Your Mind

Whatever you think about your health and level of happiness determines how healthy and happy you actually feel.

In his famous book, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen quoted the Bible when he stated, “As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be.” Henry Ford reiterated that point in simpler language saying,  “If you think you can or if you think you can’t you’re right.”

What pictures do you hold of yourself in terms of health and happiness? You may or may not know, actually. You see, your early caretakers, your parents, siblings, teachers, friends and society created the picture you have inside you out of your awareness telling you who you can and cannot be, what you can and cannot do, and what you can and cannot have when you were too young to filter out their messages.

Consequently, the limiting picture you live by now, your self image, only allows you to accomplish actions that fit that narrow definition of you. The good news is nothing about your self image is set in stone.

You can change many aspects of who and what you are simply by deciding who and how you want to be in life. You just need to know that fact, really believe it in your heart, and live from that truth. Decide then act in the new way, the way a person who lives that way, the life you desire to live, acts.

How do you do that? Ask yourself, “What would a person who leads that kind of life have to do to be that way and have what they have?” Then work backwards. Ask yourself, “What kind of actions would he have to take to get where he is now?” Next ask, “What would such a person have to think that leads him to take those particular actions?” Finally, ask, “What kind of person takes those actions?”

Okay, so now you have some answers to some of those questions. Now what?

You cold make yourself crazy trying to figure out all the how to make it happen OR you could ask the Universe, God, Source, Creator (whatever term you use) to show you how to become like that person who already lives that other life style to which you’d like to become accustomed.

OR you can find someone who already lives that way and ask him or her to mentor you.

Actually you don’t really need mentoring, per say, you really just want to follow that person around for a few days, note what they say and do, then do as they do.

When you duplicate the actions of a successful person and you know, in your heart of hearts that you deserve that same success, then you have to achieve that goal. Period.

Health and Happiness Happens When You Want Health and Happiness

When you want to live in health and happiness set the goal of achieving both. Pay attention to the words you choose in creating your goal.

Look for ways to gain health rather than eliminate conditions and disease. People succeed in life when they move toward something they really want rather than run away from what they fear or wish they did not have.

What do I mean? Someone with health issues who is unhappy may say they want health and happiness when what they really want is to stop feeling bad, lonely and crummy. See the difference?

Understand that your subconscious mind fails to recognize negative words. So any time you don’t want something your subconscious mind receives and acts on the massage you do want it. Not wanting to be sick comes in as wanting to be sick.

Think a moment, how often during the day do you actually think about and focus on what you do want? If you are like most people you spend most of your waking hours focusing on what you do not want.

When someone asks you a question as simple as, “Where do you want to eat lunch?”  do you list all the restaurants you do not want to go to before you get to the one you do want to patronize? Be honest with yourself.

The words you choose determine how you feel and interpret events in your world. Your thoughts create every aspect of your world. To be healthy you want to know what to do to create optimal health rather than stop being unhealthy.

Instead of losing weight (What do you do when you lose something? You find it, right?) set a goal to live at the weight that is optimal for you, that allows you to do all the activities you enjoy allowing you to feel terrific being your body.

Your body does have an ideal weight which is probably different from that of the models you see – their photos air-brushed and manipulated to create some unnatural look for the media. Those people, in real life, often look very unhealthy with pale skin and way too many bones showing.

Think about this fact, can you ever be happy if you do not like the way you look and feel? Now flip that thought around – can you ever be healthy if you are not happy?

The answer to both questions is an unequivocal, ”No!”

When you feel happy you accept yourself exactly as you are. Starting with self-acceptance you can move toward gaining optimal health because you no longer resist what is. You cannot make any changes unless you start where you are now.

Health and Happiness: Make a Commitment Become Healthy and Happy

The sure path to health and happiness includes making a commitment to yourself to stick with the new routine until you succeed.  Your good intentions will carry no power without that agreement.

For that reason, no matter how many programs you buy and try nothing will change for you.

Even if you make a commitment that action alone does not assure you will keep your commitment to yourself. In fact, right now your Little Voice is telling your subconscious mind, “Here we go again. Yeah, right.” And the files in your subconscious mind reinforce your past failed agreements you made with yourself.

What will be different this time?

Ask yourself how often you keep the agreements you make to other people?  Do most people count on you to keep your word to accomplish something that benefits them? I bet you answered in the affirmative. So why don’t you honor yourself that way?

Until you change that pattern and know that you alone can support any effort you make on your own behalf find an accountability partner. Most people would rather do what they say than admit defeat to another person. The partner you choose will hugely impact your results.

Unfortunately most friends or family members do not hold enough influence over how you feel about yourself to keep you on track. After all, they will love you anyway, whether or not you achieve your stated goal, right?

In addition, the possibility also exists that they may not be there to honor your agreed upon connecting time. Something else may come up for them and they figure you’ll understand.

Has that ever happened to you or have you ever done that to someone else?

The fact is when you make that commitment to yourself with a big enough why nothing, absolutely nothing on the planet, will stop you from achieving optimal health and happiness – as you define it for you. Until you reach that point get a dependable accountability partner.

I recommend finding a coach. Study after study shows that when people invest in themselves they follow through. In fact, the higher the investment the faster and more successful they are.

Health and Happiness: 7 Tips To Create Both Now

Some people look for ways to get healthier. Others look for way to be happier.  What most people fail to see is you need both to have either.

These seven tips show you how to live in both happiness and health now.

1. Make a commitment to yourself to get and stay healthy and happy. No matter how many good intentions you have to become happy and healthy, until you make a commitment to yourself nothing will happen. You will try program after program. You will grab at every new fad.

Ah, think about how many commitments you made to yourself that you never fulfilled. What will be different this time?

2. Look for ways to gain health rather than eliminate conditions and disease.

People succeed in life when they move toward something they really want rather than run away from what they fear or wish they did not have. Someone with health issues who is unhappy may say they want health and happiness because they really want to stop feeling bad, lonely and crummy.

3.You are as healthy as you think you are. And you can only become as healthy as you believe, in your heart and your self image that you can be.

You read it everywhere these days, though it originally was stated in the Bible, “As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be.” Put in more modern terms, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t you’re right.” Henry Ford

4. Your level of happiness determines how healthy you can be.

Most people think if they become healthy then they will be happy. That thought process works backwards, contrary to how energy runs to create a person’s reality.

Happiness is a high frequency vibration. If you start there you automatically raise the frequencies of your organs. For that reason Norman Cousins healed himself of an incurable disease by watching videos that made him laugh.

5. Describe how your life will look when you are both healthy and happy.  Unless you know what your life will look like when you actually live in happiness and health how will you know when you get there?

6.Virtualize yourself in that state of happiness and health. Go within and look out through your eyes. See, taste, feel, smell and hear yourself actually living experiences in your happy and healthy body and mind.

The more sensations you “live” using your imagination the sooner you will manifest this state as your new reality.

7. Determine your really truly reason for wanting to be healthy and happy. Caution: it is not what you tell others and may not even be what you tell yourself. Be truthful.

A big enough why makes you unstoppable. Nothing else will.
