You can feel happy by observing the simple things in life. Instead of doing, doing doing, sometime just sit back and watch the wonders of life.
I live out in farm country in Southwest Idaho. When I moved here (this will sound silly) it didn’t really hit me how far north my new home is – until…
As we approach the longest day of the year, the sun does not even set until close to 10:30 PM. We get only about 4-5 hours of darkness as it rises between 5 and 6 AM.
I like the light. The only drawback is remembering to watch the time so I go to sleep! If I forget to keep an eye on the clock I easily stay up writing or reading until 2 AM. That works for me because I can sleep late if I want to.
In fact, since I moved out here I became a night person again. I was a night person most of my life. Hmm. I had not realized how much my life changed with a brain injury back in 1996. I became a morning person back then.
Why do I like the long hours of light? I like to watch what goes on in my world. Frankly not a whole lot happens out here – just enough to interest me and keep my life-long thirst for knowledge alive.
Like right now, it is after 9 PM and the farmer just started spraying or feeding his crop of sugar beets. I think when he runs the tractor he feeds because other times a crop duster flies overhead.
Seems late to start be working but then I have no idea about how to grow crops on a large scale. I just enjoy watching how farmers produce crops.
And my watching paid off because as the sky darkened with a thunder storm (well, at least the thunder part not sure if it will rain or not) the farmer came down the road traveling at a good clip, all his bright lights illuminating his way. I never saw the lights on the tractor before. I guess I never saw him work at night!
Another intriguing activity for me is watching my sprinkler system water the lawn. Now you may think this is weird. Okay. I never had a sprinkler system before. Out here, because we live in a high desert, unbelievably dry desert) everyone has built-in sprinkler systems.
I just turned mine on so I am running the cycle to track what waters where in my yard. This is fun for me. I guess it is easy to entertain me because every little thing fascinates me!
Egad. I just noticed the smog enveloping Boise. I am every so grateful I moved out of Boise. I definitely do not like to see the air I breathe. That was a big reason for my leaving the East Coast. Dang! My gorgeous mountain views have been temporarily reduced to faint outlines!
How blessed am I to be me living here at this time?
What do I DO and why do I do it? I guide you to discover the True You - awareness that experiences life. By unblocking the obstacles you place blinding you to your default state of true happiness allows us to expand your smile and your world in the direction of your dreams.
How To Be Happy Right Now
Living LIfe is LIke Framing a Picture
How to Feel Happy Right Now
How To Make 2013 A Happy and Healthy Year
Happiness is Your Birth Right – Do You Live There?
Smile – It Does A Body Good
Happiness is Not Getting What You Don’t Want
5 Tips To Find Happiness Now
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