Loving yourself first is not selfish It’s mandatory. No one will ever look out for #1 the way only you can.
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What do I DO and why do I do it? I guide you to discover the True You - awareness that experiences life. By unblocking the obstacles you place blinding you to your default state of true happiness allows us to expand your smile and your world in the direction of your dreams.
The Miracle I Never Thought I Would Share
Loving Yourself: The True Meaning of Self Love
Love You First
Celebrate You
Loving Yourself First: It Is Not Selfish (It Is Mandatory)
Celebrate the Divine Spirit You Are
Fears Block Happiness
You Get to Choose Happiness
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Amen Ali!!! I bought myself a dozen long-stemmed pink roses today and am enjoying their beauty and their fragrance. I enjoy my own company, it's fun being with me.
Fantastic, Mary. When you love you the Universe showers you with love situations!