Ali Bierman's World
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Prayer: How to Say Prayers that Work

Prayer is one of the most potent forces in existence. Unfortunately, most people misunderstand what a prayer is and how to say one. Then people wonder why their prayers seem to go unanswered

Prayer, as defined by Napoleon Hill over 100 years ago and first popularized in medicine by Larry Dossey, M.D. in 1994,  is one of the most potent forces in existence.

Discover the difference between asking for specific outcomes and being grateful for what is as it is and the knowledge that everything happens for your highest and best interest – everything.

About the Author Ali

What do I DO and why do I do it? I guide you to discover the True You - awareness that experiences life. By unblocking the obstacles you place blinding you to your default state of true happiness allows us to expand your smile and your world in the direction of your dreams.

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