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Psychotherapy Misses Priority Issues

People guess where to start when they ask a psychotherapist for help to heal wounds.

Psychotherapists have no way of knowing which topics that bother a client will clear the many faster and deeper. They seek to help clients talk about their problems.

The client chooses what he or she believes to be the most important issue bothering him or her at the time.

How do they make that choice?

The only way the average person knows how to choose what to talk about in therapy session is to ask the conscious mind where to start.

Two problems present themselves immediately with that approach.

• The problems lie outside of conscious awareness in the subconscious mind.

• The conscious ego mind makes choices with no clue that the files located in the subconscious mind are actually arranged in a hierarchy such that clearing root cause priorities automatically, easily and instantly clears issues falling below that priority.

A person can talk for weeks, months, even years about issues (I witnessed that truth as a psychotherapist observing colleagues with long-time clients) without resolving core issues or moving the client forward.

If clearing a priority allows the easy and automatic clearing of issues impacted by that cause then why don’t psychotherapists do that first?

Two reason stop psychotherapists from identifying and clearing root causes:
• They have no tools to access the priorities since they only know how to consult the conscious mind which will not give reliable answers

• They lack the know-how to completely eliminate the revealed cause instantly and permanently

Talk therapy will not uncover subconscious programming or reveal the history that set priorities. Specialized Kinesiology will.
