Ali Bierman'World
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Tag Archives for " writer "

Thoughts of a Writer

Funny. I never set out to be a writer. It is something I have done since the age of six. I remember the day I learned how to write my first three words: run, jump. skip. Ye,ah those were the days of Dick, Jane and Sally – and their dog, Spot. Remember them?
I wrote my first book when I was eight and my first song then too–though I composed music in my head and on musical instruments all my life.
I probably have been writing every day of my life but not because I ever set out to be a writer.
When my kids were teenagers someone asked me to write a book about how I raised my kids. So I did. And then many other books poured forth.
I don’t know, Would you say I am an accidental writer? It’s just something I do with a passion. Not sure I could make it through a day without writing – even if just for me.
