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Category Archives for conscious living

You – Know Your Many Parts

Know your very many arts – especially those you wish were not part of you.


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Why Do People Argue

People argue about silly little things that, in the big picture, really do not matter. Why? Join the conversation. Tell us what you argue about but what really bothers you by leaving a comment below. Who knows how many people your sharing will help?

Rain On Your Parade?

Sometimes it rains on your plans. Do you make the ot of it and create new plans OR do you cmplain and dive into misery and disappointment?
Join the conversation and tell me what you do when rain cancels your intended activity by leaving a comment below the video.

Core Values: What Are Your Core Values?

Core values define how you live your life. They create the box that limits how you behave and what you believe.

Most people live their lives without knowing their core values. Yet even more important than knowing your the values you hld most dear may be knowing why you chose to live according to those beliefs taking only those types of actions. Add to that issue knowing whether your deepest beliefs move you toward the life you want or away from the life you do not want.

Phew! What a lot of information, yes? Too much for one short article. So right now let’s investigate how to uncover and prioritize your personal core values.

What is really important to you in your life? What sort of behaviors are okay for you to live and which are acceptable when other people exhibit them?

On a less concrete level, what is okay with you and what do you avoid?

Most people create include areas like these on their lists: integrity, love, family, health, truth, honesty, fun, spirituality, ethics, religion, privacy, silliness, pride

Consider the points on that list and see which areas are important to you in your life. I am talking vital to how you live your life. Deep in your core, the center of your being, what do you value (have to experience) in each area that you consider a core value for you?

For example, for me love is the primary core value by which I live. I feel love for myself, for all creatures, for the planet and for what I do. I must love what I do in all areas of my life or I know I will not experience any degree of success.

I believe love is the single solution to every problem. Love is the antithesis of apathy. For me loving my life and everything and everyone in my world becomes a driving force. (Being in love is different from loving, okay?)

Once you make your list of core values put them in the order of important to you. That way if you ever encounter a situation where you find it difficult to make a choice you can examine the choices against your core values and choose whatever path allows you align with the core value that ranks higher for you.

If your life does not look the way you want it to then make a list of your core values and see if you live in alignment with every single one of them. You will never know true happiness until you do.

Stress-Free Living Requires Conscious Living

Stress-free living requires you to consciously stay focused in the present moment and pay attention to your thoughts. You know your thoughts by monitoring your feelings.

I tell my clients that I never ask anything of them I have not been through or done myself. Since I have survived some major traumas in my own life and had to come back from nearly dying I do know how hard life can be.

Ah, hard if you choose to live in struggle and stress.

I find myself frequently needing to take care of crisis situations. Those moments keep me on my toes and, most important, they keep me sharp making me walk my talk.

Hmm. Why do I create such situations? Well, let’s see, I tell people I never ask anything of them I have not done myself. That is huge clue!

To stop putting myself into varied stressful situations I need to drop that line from my repertoire. No kidding!

You may think I am being silly here. But when I speak or write those words I am sending a clear message to my own subconscious mind and to the Universe that I need to keep experiencing challenges so I will be able to say, “Been there. Done tha,.”  regardless of the client’s situation.

That whole notion is really no different than thinking, as a psychotherapist, you have to suffer from every possible disorder before you can assist anyone in healing from that disorder.

What a ludicrous thought. Yet no more out there than what I put out to the Universe pretty regularly.

I know how the body, mind, spirit system work. I do not need to suffer any conditions or setbacks or stress at all –unless I need to learn more life lessons (which I do). In fact, if my own well being is not fully charged with love I can be pretty much useless at helping someone heal.

Make sense?

I know how the body/mind attracts stressful situations to itself. But only when I remember to stay present and live and act consciously in this moment can I be truly stress-free.

And I can continue to create these new thought patterns that keep me focused in the now rather than repeat the past stuck behaviors.

All I have to do is catch myself experiencing overwhelm or pressure to recognize I am not living in the present moment. Then I come back and make a decision to replace those other thoughts with pleasant ones that fail to make me feel bad.
Eliminating stress is as simple as creating new habits. It all starts with your thoughts.
