Ali Bierman's World
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Stress and Relationships

You create stressful relationships so you can grow through unresolved issues from your past.

Some years ago, when I was just learning about how we create our reality and attract situations to us that help us grow I learned a powerful relationship lesson listening to a friend recount her nasty experiences with her current boss.

First she described the crummy situation at work. Then she revealed the fact that her boss had the same personality as her father and she knew she was in that particular job with that particular boss to resolve issues that originated with her father. Only now she had this opportunity to work through those same feelings, reactions and behaviors with a new person, her boss.

By healing the relationship with her boss, my friend was able to heal the situation between herself and her father.

What she did astounded me. I had not seen anyone come from this space before. She said when her boss was doing his usual complaining to her and getting down on her instead of getting defensive she sent him love.

What? He is yelling at you, mistreating and disrespecting you and you send him love? What the heck!

In that moment I realized her wisdom.

You get back what you put out. If she had chosen to duplicate the nasty attitude of her boss or remained silent and accepted blame for something she did not cause then her own body-mind would have deteriorated a little bit more.

By sending love to her boss she fulfilled a need he probably didn’t even know he had. I am not going to tell you they were instantly friends and his attitude changed instantly – because neither of those possibilities happened.

What did happen is my friend could go to work knowing she was okay regardless of what transpired. She no longer reacted to her boss’s angry behaviors. And he no longer exhibited so much anger so often.

People appear to you as you expect them to be. When she expected more respect and possibly even kindness at some point he responded by being a kinder person who did not need to yell.

Two resolutions unfolded for my friend. She dealt with a life-long issue that she needed to clear with her father. (Though her release came in the form of her relationship with her boss—still the same issue she need to grow past) and she learned how to extract desirable behaviors from others, regardless of the kind of relationship she may have endured in the past.

About the Author Ali

What do I DO and why do I do it? I guide you to discover the True You - awareness that experiences life. By unblocking the obstacles you place blinding you to your default state of true happiness allows us to expand your smile and your world in the direction of your dreams.

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