Ali Bierman's World
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Happiness Means No More Arguing part 3

Most men do not like to talk about what or how they feel. They will not tell you what is going on inside their heads—mostly because they don’t have an awareness of what feeling underlies their outbursts. You can determine what is going by listening—not taking your turn to fight—just listen.

You see, people see the parts of themselves in others that they do not want to recognize as part of them. When they pick apart another person they reveal how they feel about those behaviors in themselves. They do not like those behaviors so when they see them exhibited in others they pounce on them!

You will not be able to explain that information to them. Do not even try. They will not hear you. They can’t. They need to hide from themselves for whatever reason—that you may never know. They may never know either.

All you can do is be who you are and love yourself and all others. When someone gets in your face, remember their anger is really a call for help—only they do not know it. And they are not ready to accept help either. To them, that would mean taking responsibility for their lives and how everything goes for them.

The only road to living in happiness includes self-responsibility.

About the Author Ali

What do I DO and why do I do it? I guide you to discover the True You - awareness that experiences life. By unblocking the obstacles you place blinding you to your default state of true happiness allows us to expand your smile and your world in the direction of your dreams.

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